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Jason deCaires Taylor  Cancun, Mexico

'Silent Evolution'

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Jason

Jason de Caires Taylor was born in 1974 and divided the earlier part of his life in Europe, Asia and the Caribbean. Much of his childhood was spent on the coral reefs of Malaysia where he developed a profound love of the sea and a fascination with the natural world. This would later lead him to spend several years working as a scuba diving instructor in various parts of the globe, developing a strong interest in conservation, underwater naturalism and photography.

In 1998, Taylor received a BA Honours in Sculpture and Ceramics from Camberwell College of Arts, but his scuba diving qualification would prove equally important to his art career. In May 2006 he created the world”s first underwater sculpture park in Grenada, West Indies, furnished with underwater sculptures of his design. These sculptures create a unique, absorbing and expansive visual seascape, highlighting natural ecological processes while offering the viewer privileged temporal encounters.

Quick facts about Jason

In 2006, Taylor founded and created the world’s first underwater sculpture park. Situated off the west coast of Grenada in the West Indies, it is now listed as one of the Top 25 Wonders of the World by National Geographic.
Jason has over 20 years diving experience and is also an award winning underwater photographer, famous for his dramatic images, which capture the metamorphosing effects of the ocean on his evolving sculptures
In December of 2015 Jason was invited to do a TED talk on his work.

Recommended by our guest curators

Kevin Box

Santa Fe, NM artist

"Having visited his underwater sculpture park in Grenada, I can tell you how wonderfully it is to explore and experience. I think the venue that he has engaged in draws audiences and issues together in a way that is unique and enduring. I think he's a good example of an artist/activist that is actually achieving something. I want to visit his work again in 20 years."

Shane Fonner

Creative Director, Palmiers du Mal

"The very idea of an underwater sculpture garden is breathtaking, but his exacting execution creates a surreal private reality. Considering the intrinsic silence on the sea floor, combined with the depth of nature's own color palette, deCaires Taylor creates a seductive milieu that is ever evolving with wind and waves, while his figures echo the permanence of those frozen in volcanic cataclysms."

Ryan Roth

Art Director, Roth Management

"Jason is exceptional. Art is not just about making art, for the sake of replicating or copying. He's doing something unique, something special and something that really makes you step back in awe."

Jason appears in the following Top 10 lists

'The Sea'


'Under Water'





10 of 135 reactions displayed

"Hello, I am creating a list of paintings to show some University professors in the Humanities Dept and am wondering if I could show a photo of Jason's underwater "Silent Evolution". There won't be any discussion about the artwork, I am just providing examples of great art that have to do with the environment (we are brainstorming how to help more with climate change). No need to post this comment, I am hoping this is the best way to contact Jason before my presentation. Thanks!"

"these are many different types of artist hat re great and so amazing like the sculpture under water"

"Amazing. When I first saw pictures of Jason's underwater museum in Cancun I had to visit. I was able to dive this site a few years ago and it was, yes, a bit creepy but awesome!"

"Either the confusion or my fear of water has really creeped me out watching this...yet it is so beautiful and peaceful. The facial detail especially the wearied work laden expression of the sweeper is interesting...he is somewhere peaceful and I feel he deserves this."

"it's a bit creepy but my favourite is definitely musician, gardener and last supper"

"Puts humanity in its place"

"absolutely breath taking. Makes me want to travel and see them in real life. truly amazing work."

"GREAT ART_My admire..........Paul"

"THIS could motivate me to be brave enough to scuba! Beauty!"

"Could we take some photos when we visit this under water sculpture garden?"

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