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Guest curator: Kyle Brooks  
Arabia Mountain, GA Artist

About Kyle

Kyle Brooks, aka BlackCatTips is a street folk artist from Arabia Mountain, GA. In addition to his studio and mural work, Brooks creates street poems and whimsical roadside art installations. With his brush, bright colors and a few found materials, he paints the world happy.

His clients include The Weather Channel, Xerox, Samsung, Coca-Cola, The Georgia Conservancy, Shaw Contract, North American Properties, Edgar Allan, Hugh Acheson, Digitas LBi, MailChimp, Yik Yak and others.

Kyle's selections

Alberto Piliang

Yogyakarta, Indonesia


While very dark and sometimes disturbing, I found his black and white work to be very complex and deep. I saw a dark humor in them and did like the strange and scary characters. One of the images had a masked woman walking with a psychedelic clown. The woman had her skirt pulled up a little to reveal a koala bear on her leg. How do you come up with that?


Joey Slaughter

Ruston, LA


Looking through the Artist-A-Day list of artists is a time consuming task. Sometimes certain art works grabbed your attention. The colorful groupings of Slaughter’s art reached out to me. I love the simplicity of the work. The large sections of solid color are beautiful the way he has grouped and shaped them together. His assemblies remind me of being able to look at flowers and nature through special-made glasses.


Kate Clark

Brooklyn, NY


Kate Clark’s work is amazing to me. I have always been wondrous of nature. I grew up watching nature shows on public television. I have always liked the natural history museums. But I have never seen this mix-match of human and animal pairings in a bizarre and strangely humorous way. I am fascinated by the full sculptural and taxidermy work Clark uses to blend man and beast. I would love to know more about her process and inspiration.


Brad Spencer

Reidsville, NC


Usually bright shapes of color or mind-warping ideas in art will appeal to me. Brad Spencer’s brick sculptures are only one color but they do warp my mind a bit. I have a difficult time figuring out what I am looking at. I am amazed by the detail of the work and that it is all made of bricks and mortar. I am entranced by the skill needed to create these figures in stone. The work is so static and permanent yet full of a soft light of life.


Victor Castillo

Los Angeles, CA


Victor Castillo must have enjoyed watching the “Pink Elephants on Parade” section of the Disney classic Dumbo. I know I did. I can see it in the world he creates through his paintings. Silly Symphonies gone wild with hollow and dark parts ol’ Walt himself did not produce. Perhaps Castillo is a lost and highly-talented painter who took a wrong turn one day in the 1930’s in Burbank while on his lunch break. Wherever he came from, his artwork is captivating to me both in its skill level and the way he reimagines old cartoons into something more bizarre and laughingly frightful.


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