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Carine Brancowitz  Paris, France

'Beverly kills'
'Paritz Sanctorum'

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Carine

It’s within the limits imposed by the choice of a simple and minimal tool (biro) that Carine Brancowitz drawings take shape. The result is a series of works that combine the purity and passion of adolescent anxiety, an obsessive attention to detail, the uncluttered elegance of lines, the severity of the compositions…

Carine Brancowitz spent her childhood in France, devoting her time to music and painting. She studied illustration, screen print & lithography at the School of Arts & Graphics industries, Ecole Estienne.

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10 of 35 reactions displayed


"amazing, simply amazing"

"i love the contrast and how you only used one cold color inone spot and used lots of red in most other places ;)"

"you have amazing skills:)"

"Very nice illustration art. Thanks!"

"Very nice illustration art!"

"i love it!!!!"

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