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Guest curator: Christy Lee Rogers  
Los Angeles, CA Artist

About Christy

Christy Lee Rogers is a visual artist from Kailua, Hawaii. Her obsession with water as a medium for breaking the conventions of contemporary photography has led to her work being compared to Baroque painting masters like Caravaggio. Boisterous in color and complexity, Rogers applies her cunning technique to a barrage of bodies submerged in water during the night, and creates her effects naturally in-camera using the refraction of light. Through a fragile process of experimentation, she builds elaborate scenes of coalesced colors and entangled bodies that exalt the human character as one of vigor and warmth, while also capturing the beauty and vulnerability of the tragic experience that is the human condition.

Christy's selections

Sayaka Ganz

Fort Wayne, IN


Sayaka Ganz has an incredible gift, being able to convey life and movement. I love the Japanese influence as well, it’s almost as if she physically manifests Sumi brushstrokes. Such skill and beauty are energizing and uplifting to the soul.


Heather Jansch

Devon, UK


I have a crazy love for horses and Heather Jansch's take on the equine form is just beautiful. Her work is stately and elegant and at the same time organic and earthy. It’s F. W. Reed having tea with Leonardo Da Vinci, with her own special gifts thrown in.


Gregor Gaida

Bremen, Germany


Gregor Gaida’s work really moves me. It conjures up so many powerful feelings. The innocence, joy and wonder of childhood through a dignified and sensitive lens. It is so basic, but in all the best ways. It makes one reflect on their own life journey and development, like all the best art.


Gale Antokal

San Francisco, CA


Gale Antokal’s work is like a great noir movie, it brings you into a haunting world of her own. Also, as a photographer whose work is compared to painters, I love seeing an artist create work that looks like photos, from non- photographic materials. The everyday images in a unique context convey an eerie undercurrent, that stays with you.


Julia Barello

Las Cruces, NM


Julia Barello’s re purposing of materials is inspiring. She takes recycled medical scan material and like an alchemist brings them to life. I love how materials used when a body is confined in an X-ray or MRI chamber, can be transformed into a piece highlighting freedom and movement. It reminds me of a beautiful fall day.


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