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Guest curator: Dorothy O’Connor  
Atlanta, GA artist

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About Dorothy

Dorothy O’Connor graduated with degrees in Literature and Studio Arts. Her photographs and installations feature thoughtfully composed and hand-crafted scenes which combine elements of still-life, portraiture, landscape and performance to produce unique and evocative works of art. She has received grants from Possible Futures, FLUX, Forward Arts Foundation and Art on the Beltline to present her installations as public art. The lasting element of her installations, her photographs, have been exhibited in galleries throughout the U.S.

Dorothy's selections

Henrique Oliveira

Sao Paulo, Brazil


More than anything, I wish I could see Oliveira's incredible installations in person. I am blown away by his process, scale, conception and execution. His fantastical "tridimensionals" completely transform and seem to live (as in come alive) in whatever space they inhabit. Made from collected wood found on the street, the tree branches and trunks have this strange fluid quality that makes them look like they will move by their own will and envelope their surroundings or possibly morph into something else at any moment. Truly original and inspiring.


Bovey Lee

Pittsburgh, PA


Bovey Lee is an incredible paper artist. Her labor intensive, meticulously hand cut paper worlds are truly masterful and a wonder in all their glorious minuscule detail. After pouring over her website, I am also floored by how prolific she is as I can only imagine how long each work must take (and how hard it is on her hands). Her work is an exploration of mankind's complicated action of seeking nature for solace and respite while simultaneously over-developing land and minimizing the space for nature. This aspect of her work also really resonates with me.


Andrea Kowch

Detroit, MI


I love everything about her paintings.... The rich colors, the strange luminous light - like the characters are stuck in a weirdly bright cloudy day, the wind that blows through every deceptively calm scene and catches every one's hair creating a sense of foreboding chaos, the bucolic life in the foreground while natural disasters are happening off in the distance, animals often misbehaving in the periphery , and women (sisters?) usually at the center of it all. I could definitely go on.


Costa Magarakis

Tel Aviv, Israel


Shoes! Each shoe sculpture is beautifully crafted and comes with its own intricately detailed and often strange (and maybe a little scary) tableau. Along the same lines, Magarakis' other sculptures feature fantastical creatures with a steam punk vibe. This work is interesting, fun and has sense of humor.


Ben Butler

Quoque, NY


Butler makes beautiful abstract, often geometric sculptures largely from wood and hydro-stone cement. His work is very deliberate and precise, but feels very organic with shapes that evoke elements from nature - like archaeological finds, (or waves or ancient rock formations in caves) that have been dissected and carefully put back together. Many of his forms appear to be frozen in action which gives an air of anticipation - like they might creep forward or totally fall apart any second. Very moving.


Check out some other great guest curators

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Matt Kennedy

Director, La Luz de Jesus Gallery

Patrick Bremer

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Marco Mazzoni

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Andreas Englund

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Scott Listfield

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Kevin Cyr

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Dennis Ammann

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Ali Cavanaugh

St. Louis, MO artist

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