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Jeff Soto  Riverside, CA

'The White Ghost'
Acrylic on wood
'Mountain Giants'
Acrylic on wood

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Jeff

Jeff Soto was born and raised in Southern California, where he now lives with his wife and two daughters. He received a BFA distinction from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, in 2002.

Soto creates illustrations and murals using subject matter and techniques that bridge the gap between Pop Surrealism and graffiti. Inspired by youthful nostalgia, nature, graffiti, hip-hop and popular culture, his work is both bold and accessible.

His work has exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. In 2008, he was the subject of a Riverside Art Museum exhibition.

Recommended by our guest curators

Jason deCaires Taylor

Cancun, Mexico artist

"My favorite painting of Jeff's is entitled "Brain decay", for me it is one best portrayal’s of depression and mental confusion I have seen. It balances dark shadows with moments of extreme clarity, resulting in a potent alchemy of moods and emotions. His works also fill me with a sense of wonder and remind me of that moment when you wake from a deep sleep and cant quite determine the difference between dream and reality."


Amsterdam, The Netherlands artist

"What attracts me to his work is the usage of his subject matter and technique. The fascinating hinting happy notes in some of his work. The use of cartooneque caracters and they way they elicit a aray of feelings. The organic and fluffy figures have a high cuddle and candy quality. The dreaminess of his subject matter whoing like a far away land, the way layers and transparancy in his work strenthengs this. An intrique cobination between happy and darker notes."

Scott Listfield

Somerville, MA artist

"Speaking of the future, I’d be surprised if many years from now Jeff Soto wasn’t considered one of the pivotal artists of my generation. He’s distilled a lot of the same influences I grew up with – robots and comics, cartoon monsters, the grit and graffiti found in the edges of urban and suburban living – into an amazingly unique vision. Too often, all the creativity and magic and energy we had when we were kids fades as adulthood sets in. Jeff Soto makes that magic and energy and other stuff feel real all over again."

Jeff appears in the following Top 10 lists





10 of 90 reactions displayed

"Its cool I like it 8/10"

"I am inspired by the fantastical timeless quality of these pieces"


"hAHA! Adorable!"

"rainbows are cuming out of there face:) in love"

"makes me think of a mix of alice in wonderland and the wizard of creative!!!"

"The one on the top is very cool. The same abstract, colorful, bizarre and twisted, but very cool and interesting. I love this style of painting."

"it looks amazing:DDD"

"interesting, but i like it:)"


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