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Pedro Rodriguez  Huelva, Spain

Oil on panel
'Grey Street II'
Oil on panel

* All images used with permission. Please do not distribute without first contacting the artist.

About Pedro

Born in Huelva, Spain in 1971, Garrido was educated at the University of Seville. It was after graduating that Garrido often found himself drawn to exploring cities. The technological marvels and the diversity within these vibrant places fascinated him. He has been inspired by ‘urban’ American artists, such as Edward Hopper and Richard Estes, and was drawn especially to the charms of New York which provides a backdrop to much of his work. Garrido’s interest in the city’s infrastructure can be seen in all his works, from the busy ‘highway scenes’ to the ‘panoramic views’ taken from tall buildings.

The way he builds up the oils, layer upon layer of often quite dry paint ‘dragged’ across the surface creates a textured finish. A few well chosen marks translate into a passing car, or touches of colour hint at a traffic light. In many works there is a sense of a continuing motion with Garrido’s trademark and vibrant brushstrokes. His palette of cool, soft tones conveys a ‘Turneresque’ atmosphere to his subject.

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8 reactions displayed

"I can feel the grittiness of the city."

"Beautiful!With these two pieces (in particular) Pedro Rodriguez was extremely effective in allowing the viewer to feel like they are a part of his work! I <3 it"

"Love the feel of this painting."

"sweet greyness."

"Muy buen trabajo. Me gusta especialmente el detalle del ambiente y la atmósfera que se quiso crear"

"The atmosphere of these pieces is absolutely brilliant, especially the streetscapes"

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